all about shiatsu |

What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning: “finger pressure”. A form of Asian body work, its goal is similar to that of acupuncture or acupressure: to restore the balance of energy (chi) in the body.

Using ancient Asian concepts, the shiatsu practitioner (giver) utilizes points (tsubos) along the body’s meridians. Practitioners of Chinese medicine and shiatsu assert that disease, illness, discomfort and many physical and emotional infirmities are caused by imbalances in the flow of energy.

Balanced chi promotes physical comfort; improves the immune system; provides for better physical and stronger and more stable emotional health.

Why shiatsu?

Shiatsu can bring:

  • Profoundly deep relaxation.
  • Relief from common physical symptoms of stress – fatigue, muscle tension, anxiety, headaches and joint pain.
  • Rejuvenation, harmony and peace.
  • A greater self-awareness and more complete connection of body, mind and spirit.
  • Increased ability to sense and balance your own energy.
  • Mastery of your own health and well-being. Regular private sessions will balance your energies so that your body can follow its natural impulse to heal itself.

How should I expect to feel?

Everybody has a different experience each time, and every session will be different. A private session should not be painful, however, there will be times when sore muscles and joints might cause some discomfort, or a particular tsubo or meridian may be sensitive. It is important to communicate your observations during the session.

After your session take time to rest and, upon waking, move slowly. It is not uncommon for one to experience a lower energy level or even an increase in symptoms for one or two days after the session. Typically this is caused by the release of stagnant energy and toxins. Improved levels of wellbeing should appear after this adjustment.

How often should I have a session?

Life-long habits that affect or cause chronic conditions are hard to recognize and even harder to change. Profound changes can occur right away, others develop slowly over time and after repeated sessions. How often you have a session depends on the nature of your conditions and your level of investment in your health. Try at least 4-5 sessions before you determine if this is working for you. It is recommended that at first you schedule appointments every week for several appointments and then every two to four weeks, thereafter.